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Context:  Dr. Clyde Sorenson was my faculty mentor for PTP. He has taught "Insects and People" for over 20 years and is extremely good at it. As part of PTP, we met on a weekly basis to discuss how things were going with my class. He visited my class many times throughout the semester and evaluated my performance as the instructor of "Insects and People" at the end of the school year.


Artifact -- Faculty Evaluation (Please click this link to view Dr. Sorenson's faculty evaluation letter)


Reflection:  Clyde was an excellent mentor. I learned a great deal from him, especially methods to implement active learning in class and how keep students engaged. Clyde's willingness to share his vast knowledge of teaching was invaluable to my development as an educator throughout PTP. Clyde was always supportive and also frequently offered constructive criticism that I would use to improve my teaching style from one class to the next. I truly believe I am a better teacher now than I ever would have been had I not worked with Clyde.

Faculty Evaluation

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