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Student Evaluations


Context:  I value student feedback and take it very seriously. Near the end of the semester, ENT 201Q students anonymously completed an evaluation of myself as a teacher and the course itself. I plan on using the students' evaluations and comments to improve my teaching skills in the future.


Artifact -- Student Evaluations (Please click this link to view the student evaluation results)


Reflection:  Of all of the various evaluations of my teaching throughout PTP, the student evaluations honestly meant the most to me. I valued the input from my peers and faculty, but getting positive feedback from my students was the most rewarding. Based on the students' evaluations, they thought I did quite well as an instructor. For translative purposes, all of my students gave me an "A". While this was inspiring, I know that I have lots to improve on as a teacher. However, it was great to see the students appreciated what I did. Additionally, several students provided some constructive criticism on my teaching style that I will certainly take into account the next time I teach.

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