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Research Papers (Written Communication)

Survey Statement: I gained valuable written communication experience from the group project paper.


Average Student Response (1 = "Strongly disagree; 5 = "Strongly agree"): 3.7


Student comments on the research paper (from survey; unedited and unaltered):


  • The group paper taught me a lot about entomophagy. The strengths were that it allowed me to work closely with group members and gain experience with writing a long research paper. The weakneses were that I thought the page length required adding unecessary information. I thought a 10-page paper was more appropriate.


  • 15 pages was a bit long for one subject


  • It helped me develop some group skills, such as planning, communication, and staying on the time mark.


  • It was really hard to meet up and make the paper flow


  • Group didn't help much. Maybe have groups with different sections.


  • ...helps you learn how to communicate with a group


  • It allowed us to communicate and work together. 15 pages was a bit much considering the topic.


  • As with any group project, some people just don't carry their weight. I ended up having to do a lot of extra work for that reason.


  • Strength: It was beneficial and interesting researching an insect order. It taught me a lot. Weakness: I felt like I did the majority of the work on the paper, which was irritating.


  • I think the project would have been more informative if ti was about the insect group as a whole and not just entomophagy. It is really hard to find information about people eating insects simply because a lot of people do not like them.

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